RE Sandra Stillwell Presents Boutique

Sue Connor made an amazing display piece of the Sandra Stillwell Presents Boutique. Attendees were greeted with a new display at each meal event. Window displays featured souvenir fashions from past events. 

The boutique has opened for the day and our sales woman has a busy day ahead of her. 

Customers flow in and out and our sales woman shows off the newest design to arrive in to the boutique. 

The boutique is quite hectic with someone getting their coat caught in the revolving door.

Shoes are a popular items with the shoppers. A customer patiently waits as our sales woman checks on a customer in the dressing room who appears to have a problem.

The sales woman gives a fashion show to the boutiques best customers.

At the end of a long day it appears our sales woman had absconded with a fur coat from the boutique as she hails a cab to head home.

It appears in her haste, she has locked in one of the models still dressed in the fashion show finale wedding gown. 

The End

Photos by
Ryan Benitez